I recently came across this quote "Art washes away from the soul the dust of every day life" ~Pablo Picasso. WOW! How true! When I am being creative it brings out my inner child, the core of who I am. Sometimes day to day life between work and chores and errands starts to corrode our souls. It's so important for us to take some time and emerge ourselves into something we love...to express who we really are deep down...to really see the beauty of our surroundings...smell the air...feel our emotions...taste life...love ourselves inside and out. It feels so great for me to be back to creating art in my way! I hope to instill a love of art in my daughter as well, so that she too can indulge herself into the depths of her heart and soul and pull out a zest for life....real life the small beautiful parts that we tend to oversee day to day! Thank You to all my friends and family who have supported me in my endeavor....and don't forget to follow your dreams~